“She will take you on an unforgettable yoga journey like none other.”

While I have only known Jennifer for a little over a year, I quickly realized what an extraordinary individual she is. Her great love and respect for yoga and movement in general is displayed by her actions and words. Because of her dance background and great knowledge of eastern philosophy, her presence alone is calming and peaceful. Jennifer is extremely aware of the mind- body connection. Her senses are highly attuned and I can tell from participating in her class and discussing yoga with her that she understands and feels the deep healing benefits of yoga beyond the physical realm. She has a natural intuition regarding what a body needs to help practitioners unleash habitual patterns on all levels that no longer make sense or serve a students highest good. She is there to serve her student where ever they are that day. I have had the privilege of practicing yoga across the globe and it is with a deep conviction that I unconditionally recommend Jennifer's teaching.

— Angie Bramhall, Project Management Professional

“Life has been more enjoyable because of our work together.”

Before working with Jennifer, I felt anxious, stressed and restless. I felt like I was stuck in my problems, it was really starting to affect my day to day encounters. A lot of irritability was growing inside me, I was slowly becoming a unhappy person.

Jennifer was able to connect with me from the start and it was surprising to me. We began to tap into some of the problems I've been experiencing. Practicing was a lot easier than I expected. After our 1st session I could notice a change almost immediately, then after practicing on my own for the next few days, it was clear to me I was doing the right things to bring balance Into my life. I finally feel I have more clarity and peace in my life. I'm not worrying as much and stressful situations don't bother me the way they would before. I feel I have a fresh slate to work with and that is giving me the energy to make positive changes and bring more growth to my life

— Matt Patterson, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Competitor


Jennifer Miles is by far the best of the best. By following the regiment she has built for me it has truly brought my life on an amazing path. From day one of working with her and following the easy instructions she has given me, she has brought peace to my mind, body and soul. I couldn’t ask for a better mentor, teacher, guide and friend. No one follows each one of her clients, students and friends more closely than Jennifer. I owe her more than I can ever give. Thank you for the hard work and energy you have given towards helping bring peace to my life.

— James Martinez, Marine Corps Veteran


“A lot of fighters should be doing this work. It compliments the training.”

After the first yoga session with Jennifer, the flexibility was the first thing that I noticed. I went to spar the next day and I felt so loose. Then after we kept doing it, the relaxation I felt immediately, because I am usually tense all the time. Now I am more relaxed and it actually helps me more because when I am tense, I can’t even work out or have a good training or focus that much. When we do Yoga Nidra, I feel relaxed the whole day, the day after and the day after that. It helps me get comfortable with feelings and emotions that come up, it’s easier for me to let it go. I don’t get upset that much and let things affect me like they used to. It keeps me healthy and relaxed. Now I want to heal and take care of my body. Before I would convince myself I didn’t have time for this work. But now I understand how much this work would have helped me in the UFC. I was over trained and I thought that was the way to go, train harder and harder. I was wrong. You have to rest, take a break, so you can get better.

— Marco Olano, Former Professional Fighter, IFC, UFC

“Jennifer is calm, caring, patient, understanding and nurturing.”

I have been doing restorative yoga with Jennifer. We have been working on helping my digestion issues from my Crohn's disease as well as relaxation and stress management. She takes time to check in on how I am feeling both physically and emotionally before, during and after each session. She takes her time to make sure each pose is comfortable along with explaining and educating about how each pose helps heal the body physically and emotionally.  After 6 sessions with Jennifer, I have noticed that I am feeling lighter physically and emotionally. I am seeing improvement in my digestion; I am able to go longer periods of time between eating and needing a toilet...and with my Crohn's that is a huge improvement!  I am beyond grateful to have Jennifer as part of my green/ natural healing journey and I am looking forward to our continued work together!

— Molly Heskett, Crohn’s Survivor


“She really is so very gifted.”

I had such a beautiful experience with Jennifer Miles teaching a yoga class. She is such a beautiful soul and it shows through her outstanding leadership guiding classes. I felt she gave important information on breathing techniques, as well as deep stretching. I felt extremely relaxed and calm throughout the whole experience. I look forward to future classes with her amazing instruction.

— Rachel Bonn., Beauty Industry Professional

“Highly recommended!”

Jennifer’s work has helped me so much in my professional and personal life. Excited to continue working with her.

— Henry Corrales, Professional Fighter, Bellator

Jennifer is an awesome instructor. Truly gifted at what she does. By far the most pleasant voice I’ve heard while meditating.
— Spartacus Pinkhasov, Barber & Former Boxer